科技日新月異,室內外相關建築材料推陳出新,而環保木材、塑木一直受到消費者的關注,杉澤國際 致力於這個領域即將跨越二十個年頭,我們秉持著初心,以誠信、專業、負責為原則追求企業的永續經營。

      我們從第一代的傳統塑木經過二代、三代…的優化,更發展出與鋁結構結合的鋁新木系統,無論是沂可木(E-Core Wood)亦或是鋁新木(AluCo Wood),我們備齊了您需要的產品,歡迎與我們聯繫。

| 牆面(天花)裝飾材、平台棧道材料、角材
| 格柵遮陽系統、欄杆花架系統、涼亭規劃 | 六角植栽槽系統規劃
| 相關進口材料進出口貿易


       With the rapid advancement of technology, indoor and outdoor building materials are constantly evolving. Eco-friendly wood and wood-plastic composites (WPC) have always attracted consumer attention. WOODEASY has been dedicated to this field for nearly twenty years. We adhere to our original intention, pursuing sustainable business operations with integrity, professionalism, and responsibility.

       From the first generation of traditional WPC, we have optimized through the second and third generations, and further developed the AluCo-Wood system that combines with aluminum structures. Whether it’s E-Core Wood or AluCo-Wood, we have the products you need. Please feel free to contact us.

Wall (ceiling) Decorative Materials / Platform Decking Materials / Square Lumber
Louvered (Grille) Sunshade System / Railing System / Pergola System / Gazebo Planning / Hexagonal Raised Garden Bed System Planning
Related Building Materials Import and Export Trading
Domestic sales department: alucowood@gmail.com
International sales department: woodeasy@gmail.com
Our company has an excellent management team, according to your needs and preferences to provide you with professional product information.